Powerlifting Australia puts the health and well-being of its members at the forefront of its activities. We also seek to act responsibly and proportionately in line with the recommendations of government health bodies and relevant industry authorities, such as Fitness Australia and Sport Australia. Hence Powerlifting Australia will take account of the following advices in the conduct of it’s events this year, in the current circumstances of viral spread –
- Australian Government Department of Health
- State & Territory Departments of Health
- Fitness Australia
- Sport Australia
Over and above the variables relevant to the health of the general population, Powerlifting has some specific characteristics which should be considered in the ongoing management of our sport and in the practices of athletes, coaches and supporters.

With those measures in place and with your cooperation, we anticipate a steady continuance of our successful local competition programme.
Accordingly, as from today’s date, Powerlifting Australia will operate as follows re local contests (i.e. those marked in green on our Calendar page) —
- local contests will proceed as scheduled as to date, location and size. The Australian government recommendation for the restriction on mass gatherings is set at 500 persons or more, well above the typical total attendance at such events and so that limit is not directly critical
- however we will apply recommended distancing and sanitary measures at those local contests. Meet Directors have already been advised that until further notice at local Powerlifting Australia events –
- only one coach per lifter is allowed, other than in the case of lifters with declared opening attempts adding to more than 700kg, for whom two coaches will be allowed

- audiences will be restricted such that, bearing in mind the size of the facility, a distance of 1 metre can be kept between spectators; this will be advised to competitors and coaches in pre-event mailout briefings but if necessary lockouts will be applied

- contests may be run with more, smaller Sessions than originally planned, with award ceremonies after each Session, so that participants may remain on site for shorter periods
- hand sanitizer dispensers and wipe-down materials will be provided via Powerlifting Australia support at all events where possible; see Australian Government Department of Health Guidelines and the safe practice posters below
- Powerlifting Australia will also in all cases where possible facilitate the provision of streaming of local events, to allow audience involvement remotely.

Coming up, Powerlifting Australia has the Australian Junior & Masters Championships in Melbourne from May 29 to 31 and the open Australian Championships in Brisbane from July 10 to 12. Those events will go ahead as planned, although most likely with similar restrictions as to audience size, number of coaches and so on, as above.
Entries have reached 150 for the Melbourne event already and entries will soon open for the Australian Championships. Plan your training for those two big events – C Grade for Juniors, have lifted for Masters and B Grade for Open are the qualifying levels.

Enter Australian Championships Now
Powerlifting Australia and World Powerlifting have the Pacific Invitational and the associated local Sydney Open set for Athletes Authority Sydney at the International Convention Centre on May 1 to 3.
Reeds Exhibitions, the ultimate organizer of Athletes Authority Sydney, are the world’s largest trade show provider and an enterprise of impeccable standards. Reeds are taking advice from the world’s leading health authorities on all matters related to their events and the status of the Sydney Show will be clarified very soon. However it remains open for the Sydney Show and thus the Powerlifting events to proceed as planned, some 6 weeks from now.
If there are any variations to the arrangements for the Athletes Authority Powerlifting Australia will in the first instance conduct the Invitational and the Open at an alternate venue in Sydney. If travel restrictions are still an issue in May a split event, held simultaneously in Sydney and Auckland, will be considered.
Thus all plans are for this event to go forward, both for local lifters in the Sydney Open and for international lifters in the Pacific Invitational, with full international record-setting status in the latter. Entries now stand at 80 lifters and 10 places remain.
Enter Sydney Open Now
Then there is the Asia Pacific Open in Shanghai. This event has been brought forward, yes forward, to June 4 to 6 in the enormous National Convention & Exhibition Centre. Matters are now stable in China and this contest will be as fast and furious as ever. All Australian lifters are invited – just contact [email protected] to take part.
Enquire Asia Pacific Open Now
Beyond mid-year we have the Big Ones – the open World Championships at Fitness Show Melbourne and the World Junior/Masters + Asia Pacific Championships in New Zealand. Those events are well secured and will proceed. Remember, qualifications for the Australian teams are largely via results in the respective age Australian Championships. Keep training, enter the Nationals and make the Worlds!