The PA Anti-Doping System

Anti-Doping Policies

Powerlifting Australia is committed to drug-free sport for all

  • Powerlifting Australia’s Anti-Doping rules are the standard national policy of the government agency Sport integrity Australia and apply to every PA member
  • PA members are additionally subject to World Powerlifting’s Anti-Doping Policy, which is the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Model Policy
  • The principle of Strict Liability applies in these Policies and it is member’s responsibility to abide by these rules and regulations

SIA Resources

In Australia SIA provides valuable information and educational material to assist athletes and support personnel in understanding the Australian anti-doping system. That includes courses, simulations and the Clean Sport App, which allows for checking of products, reporting on doping, feedback on testing and so on.

Sports Integrity Australia

WADA Resources

The WADA website also contains extensive material as to the international testing system. Most important is the Prohibited List which lists the substances and methods which are prohibited in sport.

Checking Substances

It is the athlete’s responsibility to ensure that any medication they use is not on the Prohibited List.  A tool to check on this is Global.DRO.

Therapeutic Use Exemptions

If an athlete genuinely needs to take a medication which is on the Prohibited List they can lodge a Therapeatic Use Exemption (TUE) application to possibly gain approval for that use. This is explained further at the SIA TUE page.


Quite often supplements are contaminated and it is the athlete’s responsibility to be aware of what they are consuming and to avoid an inadvertent anti-doping rule violation. More information on Suppliments is at the SIA Supplements in Sport page.


Every Powerlifting Australia member is on a form of Whereabouts. That is, all members have to provide information as to their location at home, work and training. This will simply be via your annual membership form for many or by direct login to SIA’s Registered Testing Pool for some. It is your responsibility to keep your details up to date.

Information and Investigations

Powerlifting is an at-risk sport for doping and is situated in the often problematic gym and fitness world. SIA has strong investigatory powers and can pursue doping matters in co-operation with other law enforcement agencies. Your information can help Australia’s anti-doping program – please look at SIA’s Raise a Concern page for how you can report confidentially.

Current Suspensions for Anti-Doping Rule Violations

AthleteViolation DateADRVSubstanceTermStartEndInfo
Chleo Van Wyk2014-10-18Presence, UseOstarine glucuronideIndefinite2014-10-18IndefiniteAthlete retired
Ash Goulevitch2016-06-26

Refusal/failure to comply

Breach of period of ineligibility
8 years2016-11-032024-11-02link
Jessica Gray2017-10-21


Presence, Use


Breach of period of ineligibility
Nandrolone; Norandrostenedione or Norandrostenediol, Dehydroeplandrosterone

8 years2018-01-162026-01-16link


Patrick Packer2018-07-01


Posession, Use

Posession, Use


Testosterone Propionate; and/or Testosterone; and/or Testosterone Decanoate; and/or Dromostanolone Enanthate; and/or Testosterone Isocaproate; and/or Testosterone Enanthate

2a-methyl-3a-hydroxy-5a-androstan-17-one (metabolite of Drostanolone)
4 years2019-01-202023-01-20link
World Powerlifting
Oceania Powerlifting
Sports Integrity
Aus Active
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