2020 Events Update 2

Powerlifting Australia continues to monitor developments in the Australian government’s management of the Covid-19 virus risk, as advised direct to us all by government and via our industry groups, such as Fitness Australia and Sport Australia.The intent of those directives and advices are firstly of course to ensure as much as possible the health of all citizens, but also to continue productive activity, such as sport, as much as possible in the circumstances.Here are the latest statements fromFitness AustraliaSport AustraliaAccordingly Powerlifting Australia will as far as possible continue to offer participation in the health giving sport of Powerlifting, while structuring events to fully comply with risk management standards.
The rapid introduction of further distancing measures has meant that some larger local events cannot proceed at all, some must be modified and some can continue as planned. Thus the Sydney and Melbourne contests originally set for 22 & 23 March are cancelled. If any further events are ceased, reduced in size or split into multiple Sessions entrants will be notified directly; also information will be displayed on the Powerlifting Australia Calendar. Lifters ending up displaced from an event will be credited or refunded their fee.
However gaps in competitive opportunities will be filled as much as possible by the conduct of small, flexibly run Pop-Up contests in some cities. Those will involve maximum 16 lifters, with correct weigh-ins and qualified referees and the fundamental lifting rules applied, but with fewer personnel involved via using a platform in place, manual scoring only and so on; there will be no or very minimal audiences allowed. Those events  of course can only include current PA members and entry priority will be given to lifters displaced from altered events. Results from those new events will stand for ranking, qualifying and record purposes. Watch the PA Calendar page and stand by for more bulletins on these events.The first such mini-contests will be at Obsidian in Melbourne March 23 and NSPC Woollongong on March 28 –  to take part in either of events contact [email protected]
View Local Events Calendar
The Australian Junior and Masters Championships set, for Melbourne on May 29-31 stand.
It is quite likely that although the main part of the Championships will still be in Melbourne, satellite sections of the event will be conducted in distant areas and all results will be compared to produce final results for each age group and class. If you are aiming for this event enter as usual and then any change to arrangements will be advised asap. Any entry fees not applied to the Championships will be preserved as a credit or refund
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The open Australian Championships are booked in for July 10-12 at Kedron Wavell RSL in Brisbane.
This event is some way off and arrangements will be reviewed as we get closer to July. However if need be a splitting of venues will also take place with this Championship.
For Australia the upcoming big event is the Pacific Invitational + Sydney Open, May 2 & 3. This was scheduled to be held within Fitness Show Sydney, but as you will be aware the Show was postponed to late 2020.  We have had the good fortune that premiere facility Athletes Authority has stepped in and provided a venue for the event. Powerlifting Australia salutes Karl Goodman and Nicholas Walters of AA for supporting PA and it’s members at a time of challenge.
Given the international travel restrictions likely to still be in place in May the Pacific Invitational will be a simulvent conducted in Sydney, Auckland and Nauru on May 2/3, with streaming frpm all locations. The Sydney Open will be in Sydney only, with three well separated Sessions on Saturday pm. Sunday a.m. and Sunday p.m. Entries are still open for the Sydney Open, Australian teams will be selected shortly to be classified as Pacific Invitational competitors and international Referees will be in place so that World and Oceania Records can be set.
From there FIBO Shanghai is set to go ahead on June 4-6  and the World Championships in Melbourne October 23-25 and the Junior/Masters World Championships in New Zealand in December are well set. Australian teams for the Worlds will be selected primarily by the criteria already advised, but there will be flexibility in light of circumstances as those unfold through the year.
View International Events Page
Of course in every one of the PA events conducted in any format in 2020 all relevant risk management standards will apply. Those have been circulated in PA’s previous memo but now further distancing measures are in place, requiring 4 sq m indoor space per participant, maximum 100 persons in any indoor venue and 1.5m spacing of individuals. Also of course there must be frequent handwashing and cleaning of equipment, including discs and bars.There can also be no slippage at all in the usual requirement for all lifters, Referees and coaches at all events to be current PA members, as all usual matters of insurance and anti-doping still apply – see and take heed of ASADA’s memo advising that drug-testing is continuing as usual. Now though it is absolutely essential that all persons involved in a PA contest are logged and traceable.Powerlifting Australia appreciates members’ patience with these necessary changes. Equally we are heartened by the great majority support we have had for the responsible continuance of our sport. We are sure that with your support Powerlifting Australia and it’s lifters, coaches and officials will emerge strengthened from the current set of challenges.
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