Wierzbicki Targets the Greats at the Oceania Championships

The Oceania Championships are happening in Nauru on February 23 & 24 and special guest Krzysztof Wierzbicki is threatening to make history with a freestyle 502kg Deadlift. The world record stands at 501kg by Hafthor Bjornsson, after Eddy Hall set the pace with 500kg. But now 100kg bodyweight Kryszstof is set to charge beyond the marks of those 170kg behemoths with a 5 times+ bodyweight feat in the Nauru Deadlift Open.

Then in the Championships there are stars galore –

# reigning World Champions Dyke Daoe 77kg and Joash Teabuge 120kg will open their 2024 campaigns
# Bench Press specialist Langer Olsson Wharton will tackle the Oceania record with 224kg@ 105kg bodyweight
# Australian Champions Matt Middleton Men’s 94kg and Yani Zhao Womens 100kg will both aim for Squat World Records.

Last minute entries are still open. Contact your World Powerlifting national body for your chance to be a part of history.

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